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Samples Screen Shots

Here are some pictures of the samples shipped with PythonCard. Click on any of the pictures to see a full size version.

You might also want to look at some screenshots of the Layout editor and runtime tools.

Note that the color of the windows below vary because they were captured on different machines using different color schemes. This shows that PythonCard which relies on wxPython/wxWindows is using native controls. There are some Linux screen shots on the next samples page.

To download the framework and these applications go to the downloads section of the project site on Sourceforge


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A direct port of the layout and data from the HyperCard Addresses stack.


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The sample handles conversion from fahrenheit to celsius and english to morse code which is shown above. You can add your own conversion classes.


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The initial login dialog.

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A record from a MySQL database.


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This application showcases all of the different dialogs that you can invoke easily and simply in PythonCard.

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When you press the 'Color' button the standard color dialog pops up. You can use this in your applications to enable users to customise the look and feel of the applications you develop - surprisingly enough.

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The 'Text Entry' button pops up a dialog which allows you to enter text in a seperate window. I will leave you to decide when and where this will be useful.


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A simple bitmap drawing program.


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The application when we have performed a search

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The 'Browse for Folder' dialogue appears when you press the 'Add Dirs' button

The next page of screenshots are here.

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$Revision: 1.13 $ : $Author: alextweedly $ : Last updated $Date: 2005/12/17 14:56:49 $