Installing PythonCard on your system requires the following steps:
- Download Python from the site.
- Download wxPython from the site.
- Download PythonCard from the PythonCard site.
- Install Python
- Install wxPython
- Install PythonCard
- Confirm the installation works
Downloading Python
Python 2.5.1 is available from a couple of sources.
- The Python downloads page.
- The ActivePython distribution
For this guide, we'll be installing from the main Python site. Click on this Python-2.5.1.msi link to begin the download. Tell your browser where you want the file stored and the download proceeds. Note where on your system the file is saved by your browser.
Downloading wxPython
PythonCard relies on the wxPython package. Click on this wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- link to begin the download. Tell your browser where you want the file stored and the download proceeds. Note where on your system the file is saved by your browser.
Downloading PythonCard
The latest version of PythonCard is always available via the PythonCard download page. Click on this PythonCard-0.8.2.win32.exe link to begin the download. Tell your browser where you want the file stored and the download proceeds. Note where on your system the file is saved by your browser.
Installing Python
Python arrives at your system as an installable application. All you have to do is double-click on the file you downloaded (it's called python-2.5.1.msi) and follow the instructions in the installation wizard. By default, the installer will create a new directory C:\Python25 to contain the Python executables, documentation, tools, IDLE editor, and standard libraries. We'll refer to that directory as just Python25 for the remainder of the instructions.
Installing wxPython
wxPython also comes as an automatic installer. Just double-click on the file you downloaded (it's called wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- and follow the instructions. By default, wxPython will be installed into Python25\Lib\site-packages.
You should also download the Docs, Demos, and Samples for wxPython. Click on this wxPython2.8-win32-docs-demos- link to begin the download.
Installing PythonCard
PythonCard also comes as an automatic installer. Just double-click on the file you downloaded and follow the instructions. By default, the PythonCard framework will be installed into Python25\Lib\site-packages.
As part of the automated install some shortcuts and a program group on your start menu are created. If you have installed Python as a ordinary user (Who doesn't have administration rights) then this may not work correctly. If, after the installation has completed, you see a text box with the words "*** Could not load Python ***" in it then its likely this is the case. This isn't a big problem, PythonCard will still have been installed onto your system, its just that the shortcuts and program group won't appear.
Confirming Installation
OK, now comes the acid test. Open the folder called "minimal" in Python25\Lib\site-packages\PythonCard\samples. Find the icon labeled and double-click it. In a few moments (after an operating system console window has appeared), a small window like the one shown in Figure 1 will appear. This indicates that your installation was successful and everything is working. Close the minimal application in the usual way and proceed with the Walk-Through.
Figure 1. PythonCard minimal application window open to confirm installation
is correct
If for some reason this test fails, go back over these instructions carefully. In particular, make sure that wxPython and PythonCard both appear in the site-packages folder in Python's Lib folder.
If everything seems OK and you still can't get to launch, post a message to the PythonCard Users Mailing List. (If you aren't yet a member, visit the list management page and join.)
$Revision: 1.19 $ : $Author: kasplat $ : Last updated $Date: 2007/07/29 02:31:46 $