Getting Started

The Getting Started document contains information on installing PythonCard and running your first sample.

Dan Shafer wrote a nice tutorial that gives step-by-step instructions on creating your first PythonCard application.

Shell usage and key bindings. PythonCard uses PyCrust as its shell. It is a lot like the Python Shell used in IDLE and PythonWin.

Layout editor and runtime tools. This page currently only contains screenshots.

Learning Python

Whether you are a beginner or experienced programmer learning how to program in Python, a great place to start is In addition to a great online book, Dive into Python has links on the right edge of the page to learning material for both beginners and experts, references, code, and other links to the most popular Python community resources.

State of the Framework

The following messages were originally posted to the PythonCard mailing list to document the state of the PythonCardPrototype framework in mid-October 2001. They were updated for release 0.6.2 on January 24th, 2002.
  1. Components
  2. Resource Files
  3. Runtime Tools
  4. Menus and Dialogs
  5. General Concepts and Limitations
  6. Events and Handlers


Create widgets and add event handlers at runtime. You can use this feature to create GUIs interactively using the PythonCard shell. You can also define the widgets in your layout dynamically in your program as shown by the dbBrowser sample.

Revision History (Changelog)

The changelog.txt file documents the revision history of PythonCard. $Revision: 1.7 $, documentation updated on $Date: 2002/02/07 23:48:27 $ SourceForge Logo