minimal is almost the smallest PythonCard program possible. Refer to tutorial.txt for an example of copying and modifying as your first PythonCard program.

International and localization issues

The file is the French version of If the locale setting on the users machine indicates French (fr) as the language, that resource will automatically be used.


You can build a standalone Windows executable using py2exe

You'll need to uncomment the import line in, then use the following command-line to build the minimal.exe file. The results of the build are placed in the dist\minimal directory.

  setup py2exe --excludes=Image

More on py2exe, PIL and Tkinter from Thomas Heller

"PIL *can* use Tkinter when it's available, and py2exe cannot determine whether it's actually used or not.

You can exclude it by using

  python py2exe "--excludes=Tkinter,_imagingtk"

Note that you have to make sure the image plugins you need from PIL are included in the exe you create! You would either

  import JpegImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin, ...
or use the
command line switch."

Gordon McMillan's installer

You can build a standalone Windows or Linux executable using Gordon McMillan's installer.

As with py2exe you'll need to uncomment the import line in, then use the following comand-line to build the minimal standalone. The results of the build are placed in the distminimal directory. minimal.spec